luketallguy: c1-1234
luketallguy: c1-5678
luketallguy: c1-9101112
luketallguy: c1-1718
luketallguy: c1-13141516
luketallguy: c2-1234
luketallguy: c2-5678
luketallguy: c2-9101112
luketallguy: c2-13141516
luketallguy: c2-171819
luketallguy: BJ shirt...
luketallguy: FREE rockstars!
luketallguy: "Pleeeease ladies....?"
luketallguy: They submitted
luketallguy: rock on to the show
luketallguy: Bang Your Head!
luketallguy: Lets start this out right
luketallguy: Nate's New Girlfriend
luketallguy: Nate "OH YEAH!"
luketallguy: Nate rock girl 2
luketallguy: Ladies love Nate
luketallguy: Concerts rule
luketallguy: Steve Rock getting hassled by the fuzz
luketallguy: KISW rules!!!