lukemarkof: Tsukiji
lukemarkof: Fresh Fish
lukemarkof: All Ages
lukemarkof: Pre-cooking
lukemarkof: Molluscs
lukemarkof: Stall
lukemarkof: Shucks
lukemarkof: Snails and shells
lukemarkof: Inside the outer market
lukemarkof: Light bulb moment
lukemarkof: Release Me
lukemarkof: Fillets
lukemarkof: A Hard Days Work
lukemarkof: Unagi
lukemarkof: They used a sword?
lukemarkof: Big fish heads
lukemarkof: Tuna fillets
lukemarkof: Gut wrenching
lukemarkof: Time to sit
lukemarkof: Another bid fish head
lukemarkof: Tsukiji Outer Market
lukemarkof: Hello
lukemarkof: Sharp