Lucasicu: Can I get a 'hell yes' for some half-ass jazz hands? Eh...methinks that's a nay.
Lucasicu: Un "drogadicto" duchándose -- [№ 4]
Lucasicu: Vávàlü [№ 7]
Lucasicu: Le Basémènt de la creeps, non?
Lucasicu: Experience Red-Man. Here you seem him high in the 'studio,' assuming a post-modern, airborne interpretation of menopause.
Lucasicu: Le flareeeeeeeé!
Lucasicu: Hanna [Colour Version]
Lucasicu: A damn-dirty window at the house of Lady Anna
Lucasicu: That bat-shit crazy dude who used to live on State St. until he kicked it last year... [Colour Version]
Lucasicu: Emaciated man with blender, a most suspicious orange fruit and homicidal desires...
Lucasicu: After a long day alongside the infamous EGRRTTF (Elite Gay Red Rollerskating Tactical Task Force) this bloke decided to light up a crack rock or two to wind down...
Lucasicu: Shite, mate! This looks like a (lousy) Gap advert...oops.
Lucasicu: Kilk at his creepiest...
Lucasicu: Una resaca horrible (A horrible hangover)
Lucasicu: Autorretrato [№ 2]
Lucasicu: Abstract [№ 34]
Lucasicu: Quite oddly, I find myself soaked whilst dicing spinach and taking a call on my know, just normal-person stuff.
Lucasicu: C'est Katois Foie. Methinks she is nesting. [№ 2]
Lucasicu: Body Shave? Say what?
Lucasicu: Retrato de Anna, [№ 3]
Lucasicu: El mirado re penetrante de Alisssssa...
Lucasicu: Hands a la Polaroid
Lucasicu: El Señor Vavolí
Lucasicu: Here's a crazy ol' bloke called 'Kilk.' He may just decide to swallow you whole; it's truly hard to tell from that expression...
Lucasicu: Jeff, [№ 2]
Lucasicu: Kilk dancin' it up, Kilk-style
Lucasicu: Vavo No. 7
Lucasicu: A la Marco Grob
Lucasicu: Co-Co-Colonio...
Lucasicu: Lucas No. 5