Soft Relaunch: texas gas
Soft Relaunch: getting some fresh air
Soft Relaunch: still motion
Soft Relaunch: day 1 in the sun
Soft Relaunch: i could live with this weather
Soft Relaunch: the hot dog hit the spot
Soft Relaunch: in step
Soft Relaunch: OPENING DAY
Soft Relaunch: nice clouds
Soft Relaunch: enjoy the heat
Soft Relaunch: a taste of summer
Soft Relaunch: can i just go back here now? please?
Soft Relaunch: cubbie blue
Soft Relaunch: nice yard
Soft Relaunch: visiter
Soft Relaunch: there's something in the wind
Soft Relaunch: is this for real?
Soft Relaunch: suspension