theninjababy: Christmas time
theninjababy: xmas tree smell
theninjababy: chicken
theninjababy: peto and tubo
theninjababy: batman
theninjababy: thanks huy leng for the beer
theninjababy: pandas mates drinking it up
theninjababy: tubo's silent farting
theninjababy: corn on a BBQ
theninjababy: Santas sack
theninjababy: pulling bon bons
theninjababy: words of wisdom
theninjababy: satay, what else could luke be excited about
theninjababy: nothing better than a crownie
theninjababy: cocktails at Luke's house is soo last year
theninjababy: Christmas tree
theninjababy: its a star
theninjababy: spider star?
theninjababy: sparkl
theninjababy: i've got tincel
theninjababy: hmmm where is the spider star