theninjababy: Grilled Sting Ray
theninjababy: dinner
theninjababy: please bear with this horrible pun
theninjababy: ice rink in shopping centre
theninjababy: Streets
theninjababy: light show
theninjababy: Tiger chasing gazelle
theninjababy: tiger rips into a gazelle
theninjababy: its lunch time
theninjababy: mmm beer
theninjababy: cooking dinner
theninjababy: dinner
theninjababy: satay sauce
theninjababy: after dinner
theninjababy: lonely chef
theninjababy: time square (KL)
theninjababy: ohh the heat la
theninjababy: My hotel
theninjababy: me in a taxi
theninjababy: city streets
theninjababy: city streets
theninjababy: DSC_0157
theninjababy: night market
theninjababy: night market
theninjababy: laterns
theninjababy: night market
theninjababy: cabs in KL
theninjababy: After dinner
theninjababy: Satay...chicken and beef...but no duck...dammit