Luke-rative: This bridge is anything but UGLY
Luke-rative: Planned Beauty
Luke-rative: Sunshine & Joy
Luke-rative: People surround me but I still somehow feel alone...
Luke-rative: Spoon Splash
Luke-rative: Running alone, Destination unkown
Luke-rative: The waves have broken my board but not my dreams...
Luke-rative: Next stop eternal darkness....
Luke-rative: Flowers @ Golf
Luke-rative: Relax...the hurry doesn't stop!
Luke-rative: The Shining
Luke-rative: Happy Gran
Luke-rative: Just a bit of coin
Luke-rative: Princess Corner
Luke-rative: Binded Together
Luke-rative: Contrasting Chains
Luke-rative: Coloured Cracks
Luke-rative: Rock Fisher vs The Sea
Luke-rative: Sun on SeaCliff
Luke-rative: Sydney's famous fountain
Luke-rative: Sunset Sydney Harbour Bridge
Luke-rative: Sydney Opera House B&W
Luke-rative: Sydney Harbour Bridge - Black and White Night
Luke-rative: Happy Australia Day....from downunder!
Luke-rative: Abandoned Trolley
Luke-rative: William St is Hectic on Saturday Nights
Luke-rative: Plane over the pool
Luke-rative: Tom Uglys Bridge @ night
Luke-rative: Shooter across the bridge