Luke-rative: Late Afternoon Reflections
Luke-rative: Sylvania Sunset
Luke-rative: Contrasting Colours of a Shire Sunset
Luke-rative: Streaming Highway
Luke-rative: Princess Corner
Luke-rative: 45 around the corner
Luke-rative: Martin Place
Luke-rative: Martin Place - Syndey
Luke-rative: Streaming in and out of Sydney
Luke-rative: Sydney Harbour Bridge - Black and White Night
Luke-rative: Sydney's famous fountain
Luke-rative: Ferry or a flash Sydney
Luke-rative: Colourful Syndey bridge
Luke-rative: Hyde Park Fountain
Luke-rative: Long William St
Luke-rative: Sydney Opera House B&W
Luke-rative: Sunset Sydney Harbour Bridge
Luke-rative: Dark Opera House
Luke-rative: William St is Hectic on Saturday Nights
Luke-rative: Shooter across the bridge
Luke-rative: Phuket Sunset
Luke-rative: Relfections Captain Cook Bridge
Luke-rative: Planned Beauty
Luke-rative: Forster NSW
Luke-rative: Ready to cross when you are....
Luke-rative: Danger No Diving!
Luke-rative: Errie Cronulla
Luke-rative: Best seat in the city
Luke-rative: Like a bridge over pristine waters!
Luke-rative: Thanks for the frame mother