lukask: View from hotel room
lukask: Guido, Ana, Michele
lukask: IGeLU Steering Committee meet
lukask: Beate thanks Pat
lukask: Pat
lukask: Pat, Beate
lukask: Pat: presents for me?
lukask: The gang, in between meetings
lukask: Presents
lukask: Look, a teddy bear
lukask: More presents
lukask: Is it a flag?
lukask: Moravian state library, Brno, Czech republic
lukask: Pat addressing the national user groups reps
lukask: Bas, Pat in Pegas
lukask: Pilsner Urquell
lukask: Bas and Frits in the conference hotel
lukask: Looking for the social event
lukask: Mendel museum
lukask: At Queen Elisabeth's wine cellar
lukask: Music at Queen Elisabeth's wine cellar
lukask: Music
lukask: Fireplace at Queen Elisabeth's
lukask: Wine tasting
lukask: VLENGEL, Dutch/Belgian user group meeting
lukask: Paul, me, Theo
lukask: Voting
lukask: Liesbeth voting in favour of everything
lukask: LiveTrix poster session
lukask: Marks poster session