lukashaider: Red Bull on board
lukashaider: Polcs-Bikesouthafricanational1
lukashaider: Mattisouthafricannational2
lukashaider: SteveSmithsouthafricanational1
lukashaider: Stevesouthafricannational3
lukashaider: Polcster meet new friends
lukashaider: Polcster found a gang
lukashaider: boss on-site Christian Schandl
lukashaider: Pietermaritzburg race site
lukashaider: Pietermaritzburg finish area
lukashaider: Stevie rocking the WC course in SA
lukashaider: Filip waiting for a lift in SA
lukashaider: Filip on the podium of the pre WC race
lukashaider: details of Stevies DH and Filips 4X bike
lukashaider: Stevies Evil Revolt
lukashaider: Stevie and his EVil Revolt
lukashaider: sunset in Pietermaritzburg
lukashaider: hippo... must be South Africa
lukashaider: MS EVIL RACING on Safari
lukashaider: Christian, Matti, Stevie
lukashaider: Filip in the bush
lukashaider: Christian in the bush
lukashaider: MS Evil crew
lukashaider: driver as usual
lukashaider: Christain and Filip
lukashaider: cool Matti cool
lukashaider: Stevie found some hippos
lukashaider: ostrichs
lukashaider: Matti saw something new
lukashaider: 3205_72044028927_732153927_1625187_4536961_some zebras on the MS Evil safari