L. Z.: Fresssssssh!!!
L. Z.: Super quick lunch for the girls before they head out to their ballet lesson:
L. Z.: Nourishing beef soup for dinner
L. Z.: Tufahije - traditional Bosnian dessert with baked apples
L. Z.: Organic Hummus for dinner
L. Z.: Healthy and quick treat
L. Z.: Grandma came back from Montenegro and made bread!
L. Z.: Yogurt time
L. Z.: Yogurt time
L. Z.: Who could resist?
L. Z.: Breakfast for the girls served in the bowl I made in my pottery studio last spring...
L. Z.: HAPPY EASTER my friends!!!
L. Z.: HAPPY EASTER my friends!!!
L. Z.: Ten backyard hens in two days!!!
L. Z.: Stone-grinding organic grains
L. Z.: Quick dinner
L. Z.: Afternoon tea: organic apples, fresh foraged elderberries and fresh mint from the garden
L. Z.: Quince cheese in the making Kotunjada/Membrillo/Quittenkäse... Quince fruits from our backyard tree.
L. Z.: Do you recognize the texture?
L. Z.: Decadent home made ice cream:
L. Z.: Quince from our garden to our oven with a bit of pastured local organic butter.... and the aroma..... mmmmmmmmm
L. Z.: Cooking fresh prawns bought of the boat that morning
L. Z.: Red, black and white currants from our garden, raw cow milk from our cows and a teaspoon of organic unfiltered raw local honey.
L. Z.: Organic cornmeal porridge.
L. Z.: Happy birthday cake for the hubby
L. Z.: Organic raw handmade superfood fortified chocolate
L. Z.: Organic raw handmade superfood fortified chocolate
L. Z.: Organic raw handmade superfood fortified chocolate
L. Z.: Organic raw handmade superfood fortified chocolate
L. Z.: Organic raw handmade superfood fortified chocolate