luigig: Central square, Dushanbe
luigig: Street scene, Dushanbe
luigig: Dushambe street
luigig: Plof for lunch
luigig: Street scene, Dushanbe
luigig: Park, Dushanbe
luigig: Park, Dushanbe
luigig: The Presidential Palace, Dushanbe
luigig: Park, Dushanbe
luigig: Tajik landscape
luigig: Lunch!
luigig: Tajik apple diversity
luigig: More lunch
luigig: Sausages
luigig: Apple orchard
luigig: Irrigation ditch
luigig: Mulberry trees
luigig: Wild apple tree being dug up
luigig: Tajik landscape
luigig: Tajik landscape
luigig: Poplars?
luigig: Birches
luigig: Tajik landscape
luigig: Women tilling the hash Tajik soil
luigig: Dushanbe market
luigig: Dushanbe market
luigig: Dushanbe market
luigig: Dushanbe market
luigig: Dushanbe market
luigig: Dushanbe market