Teo Lui: Kiss me fool!
Teo Lui: Eh eh eh eh.....
Teo Lui: Beware the claws of the flaming tiger.
Teo Lui: Brucia la vecchia!
Teo Lui: E stelle filanti.
Teo Lui: Run!
Teo Lui: I shall have my vengeance!!
Teo Lui: I'm not waiting for the Prince
Teo Lui: Silence is golden
Teo Lui: Xmas Xpross
Teo Lui: Tear Drops
Teo Lui: Tunnel of SemiLove
Teo Lui: Fuss
Teo Lui: Follow the Rules
Teo Lui: Don't wash me!!!
Teo Lui: Here comes the rain (again)
Teo Lui: Traffic Light show me the way
Teo Lui: Clear Ant Vision Crossing Bergamo
Teo Lui: Playing with time (I)
Teo Lui: Playing with time (II)
Teo Lui: Lost in Xmas
Teo Lui: Inside Sweet Irene
Teo Lui: Hemingway (I)
Teo Lui: Hemingway (II)
Teo Lui: Hemingway (III)