lugsteel52: 1994 RB-1
lugsteel52: 1994 RB-1
lugsteel52: 1994 RB-1
lugsteel52: 1994 RB-1
lugsteel52: 1988 Tempo
lugsteel52: 1988 Tempo
lugsteel52: 1988 Tempo
lugsteel52: 1988 Tempo
lugsteel52: 1988 Tempo
lugsteel52: 2003 Aurora
lugsteel52: Nitto: Noodle, Dirt drop stem, and M12 rack
lugsteel52: 2003 Aurora
lugsteel52: Ritchey offset rim
lugsteel52: 2003 Aurora
lugsteel52: My other pastime
lugsteel52: Sackville trunksack, small
lugsteel52: 2003 Aurora
lugsteel52: Dura-ace calipers with Conti's squeezed in
lugsteel52: Front brake shot
lugsteel52: Headbadge
lugsteel52: Twined an shellaced
lugsteel52: Driveline view
lugsteel52: Front right 1/4 shot
lugsteel52: Headbadge
lugsteel52: 105 single pivot sidepull
lugsteel52: 2011 SOMA STANYAN 009
lugsteel52: 2011 SOMA STANYAN 008
lugsteel52: 2011 SOMA STANYAN 006
lugsteel52: 2011 SOMA STANYAN 007
lugsteel52: 2011 SOMA STANYAN 005