lugnut215: AARP card for me-oh boy-got in mail today-2022-01-25-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Albums of 1983 for 80s group cover page at Facebook-
lugnut215: George Carlin-Quote-meme-driving slower is-an idiot-driving-faster is a maniac
lugnut215: LSO Pop Series-Music of the 80's-ticket stub-both sides-Wharton Center-2023-02-11-East Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Movie Listings-1994-06-10-several theaters-Lansing, MI area
lugnut215: Pepsi advertisement-1996-Drink Pepsi Get Stuff-from Lansing Lugnuts program-1996-04-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Return of the Jedi poster for 80's facebook cover-opened in 1983-
lugnut215: Top 10 Movies-Exhibitor Relations-1988-04-29-Lansing, MI paper