lugnut215: Abood Law Firm-117 E. Allegan St.-Suite 200--1998-12-15-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Apple's Bar on W. Grand Riiver Ave. in Okemos-former Monty's-1980-08-30-MI
lugnut215: Arbaugh's hats-sport-organdy-panama-S. Washington and Kalamazoo-1920-07-17-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Athlete's Connection Sporting Goods-two locations-Marsh Rd.-S. Logan-1990-12-16-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Barber Shop Quartet Singers-auditions for new members at Lansing Mall-1972-03-01-MI
lugnut215: Barker-Cole Electric Co.-114 N. Grand Ave.-electric fans-1917-06-14-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Baseball-City Recreation league-Emanual Lutheran church-etc.-1976-05-05-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Bates-Dolson-Duplex-Durant-other autos manufactured in city-1981-08-20-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Bishop Inn-bar restaurant-corner of S. Logan and Bishop-1973-04-21-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Blinkerlite Cocktail Bar at M-78 Potterville-camel drawing-1951-04-21-MI
lugnut215: Book Barn-grand opening-5429 W. Saginaw-Dornet Village-1981-06-08-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Buses-Union Terminal-100 block of S. Grand Ave.-history-1943-01-17-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Capitol Auto Co.-313-315 E. Michigan Ave.-sales office-Reo Garage-1906-11-23-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Catholic Education Foundation-Greater Lansing-list of schools-addresses-1998-05-10-MI
lugnut215: Census taking to start here-Floyd G. Randall-area supervisor-enumerators-1930-02-27-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Children's Center-Marjorie Dee-114 W. Allegan-Wonderalls knits-1966-10-23-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Clark Discount Department Store-going out of business license-1964-05-29-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Commerce Center-letters removed from building-300 S. Capitol-1994-10-25-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Congregation Shaarey Zedek marking 65th year-synagogue-Jewish-1983-11-05-East Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Convention of 4-H Club at Michigan State College-1939-06-26-East Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Convention of 4-H Club at Michigan State College-1939-06-28-East Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Convention of 4-H Club at Michigan State College-1939-06-29-East Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Convention of 4-H Club at Michigan State College-1939-06-30-a-East Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Convention of 4-H Club at Michigan State College-1939-06-30-b-East Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Crego Park-city board names after ex-mayor-red cedar basin-1970-10-15-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Curtis Pharmacy and Grocery-new ice cream dept.-600-604 E. Kalamazoo-1936-08-06-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Dance at Women's Clubhouse-603 S. Washington-Music by Brooks-1945-05-03-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Dempsey, Jack-former boxing champion visits city-Governor Green-1928-07-20-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Detroit Hotel-111 N. Grand-to be sold to city-urban renewal program-1970-08-26-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Duplex Truck Co.-moves into new factory offices-Mt. Hope & Washington-1918-01-04-Lansing, MI