lugnut215: Alleva's Marine Service-2421 N. Larch St.-boat company-from 1959 C.D.-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Altman's Mens Store-200 E. Mich Ave. at Grand-1949-10-06-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: American Savings Bank-Wash. & MI-In German script-from 1910 C.D.-from Local History-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Anthony's Big Boy Cone restaurant-1979 Eastern High School yearbook-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Apothecary store-Surgical Supply Inc.-Madison at Grand-1974-08-06-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Arbaugh's valentines day sale-1912-02-07-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Archy Tarpoff's-also New Hut and Lounge locations-drawings-1955-04-28-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Arlan's Pet Shop-Logan Shopping Center-1968-10-24-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Arthur Treacher's Fish & Chips-2418 E. Michigan Ave.-1974-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Baker Clothing Company-104 N. Washington Ave.-1903-03-20-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Baryames Drive-In Cleaners-match cover-307 S. Grand Ave.-guess 1950's-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Baskin Robbins-grand opening-1038 S. Logan at Mt. Hope-ice cream place-1964-04-29-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Beck & Cole-112 & 114 W. Michigan Ave.-housefurnishings-1910-01-11-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Bement's Retail Store-find address-ranges-stoves-1906-03-28-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Boarshead Theater-425 S. Grand Ave.-Diva Days-1997-01-16-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Bowlby The Tailor-Hudson Block-231 1-2 S. Washington Ave.-1917-09-29-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Brauer's 1861 House restaurant-213 S. Grand Ave.-1957-04-16-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Brendel & Wener Photographers-1809 E. Michigan Ave.-1945-12-09-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Buck Store-301-303 N. Washington-couches displayed in ad-1904-02-15-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Butler's-209 S. Washington Ave.-$1 dollar dress sale-1926-02-05-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: C.J. Barrymore's restaurant bar-6810 S. Cedar St.-1988-04-14-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Cameron's-toy store-226 E. Kalamazoo at River St.-1949-12-16-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Capitol Bedding Co.-331 N. Washington Ave.-1936-06-11-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Capitol Fur Co.-406 S. Washington Ave.-1982-01-24-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Capitol Park Motor Hotel-501 Townsend at Lenawee-International Room restaurant-1962-01-06-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Cardy Jewelry-over Strand Arcade-theater-photo of drinking glasses-1936-11-15-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Casa Nova restaurant-3015 S. Logan St.-from March 1989 magazine-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: CATA-the better way to go-city bus advertisement-1974-08-21-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Cedarbrook Appliance-3022 S. Cedar St.-Motorola TV-1953-12-04-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Central Stores-314 E. Michigan Ave.-everything in toys-1950-12-13-Lansing, MI