lugnut215: Baker's Jewelry-115 E. Washtenaw St.-Superman watch-1948-03-17-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Busch Inc.-Lansing's oldest jewelers-Washington at Allegan-1940-10-04-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Cardy Jewelry-over Strand Arcade-theater-photo of drinking glasses-1936-11-15-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Daniel's Jewelry-207 S. Washington Ave.-optical dept.-1946-07-14-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Fox's Jewelers and Opticians-203 S. Washington-1960-05-18-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Heath Jewelry Store-111 N. Washington Ave.-1927-11-26-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Lehman & Nixon Jewelers-200 block N. Washington Ave.-1957-03-19-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Linn & Owen Jewelers-1947-12-13-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Miller-Hoefer Co.-jewelers-Lansing State Savings Bank building-1917-11-23-MI
lugnut215: Morgan's Jewelry-1950-11-02-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Piella Jeweler and Silversmith-111 N. Washington Ave.-1916-12-19-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Richmond's Jewelry-Logan Center-diamonds-watches-plaques-1985-07-18-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Whitney & Co. Jewelers-208 S. Washington Ave.-watches-1911-05-27-Lansing, MI