lugnut215: Assorted Receipts-Timothy-1991-11-16-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Auction Card from Kelly's Coins and Collectiables auction-2702 S. Cedar St.-2016-03-29-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: bacon-did you say bacon
lugnut215: Barber's a swinger-cousin Don Kill-fire truck ladder-hangs upside down-1978-06-08-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Baseball-value of bunting game explained by Rickey-1914-04-02-
lugnut215: Bill Murray-Laugh Out Loud Collection-DVD label-a-Ghostbusters-Groundhog Day-Stripes
lugnut215: Bill Murray-Laugh Out Loud Collection-DVD label-b-Ghostbusters-Groundhog Day-Stripes
lugnut215: Bowman, Richard A. 'Dick'-obituary-no relation to me-2013-01-12-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Bronsan-Pierce-The Thomas Crown Affair-movie review-1999-09-19-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Buchanan, James-bachelor President-tragic romance story-1915-10-19-in Lansing, MI paper
lugnut215: Cooley Stadium-Lansing Lugnuts baseball park-Capitol Drones aerial photo-2016-04-16-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: cousins Penny Sokolowski and Debra Sedelmaier-2016-05-08-Wisconsin-1 of 2
lugnut215: cousins Penny Sokolowski and Debra Sedelmaier-2016-05-08-Wisconsin-2 of 2
lugnut215: Custer, George Armstrong-Family Weekly magazine-1985-06-23 article-1 of 2-
lugnut215: Custer, George Armstrong-Family Weekly magazine-1985-06-23 article-2 of 2-
lugnut215: Descendants of Slaves Reunion-1984-08-21-Tues.-Marguerite Berry Jackson-Mecosta Co., MI
lugnut215: Detroit Tigers-1973 Yeabook-Cover-MI
lugnut215: Detroit Tigers-1973 Yearbook-farm system-MI
lugnut215: Detroit Tigers-1973 Yearbook-history and prices-MI
lugnut215: Diaz, David-obituary-Apt.17 neighbor-2016-05-17-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Drugs, Alcohol and Pregnancy-WILX-TV Report-1991-05-11-Lansing, MI
lugnut215: Electronic Games of the 70's and 80's-retro handheld-baseball-football-basketball-
lugnut215: Google Doodle-William Shakespeare-2016-04-23-
lugnut215: Guiding Light-1991-week capsules-page 1-clipped from Lansing, MI paper
lugnut215: Guiding Light-1991-week capsules-page 2-clipped from Lansing, MI paper
lugnut215: Guiding Light-1991-week capsules-page 3-clipped from Lansing, MI paper
lugnut215: Guiding Light-1991-week capsules-page 4-clipped from Lansing, MI paper
lugnut215: Guiding Light-1991-week capsules-page 5-clipped from Lansing, MI paper
lugnut215: Hairstyle talks-Farrah or Hamill-which are you-1977-05-24-Lansing, MI paper
lugnut215: Hands Up, Who can't see attachment