luggi9: opera house
luggi9: they r mine!
luggi9: palm & opra
luggi9: harbour bridge
luggi9: harbour traffic
luggi9: harbour bridge traffic
luggi9: bradfield hwy
luggi9: sailing boat
luggi9: ferry
luggi9: towards manly
luggi9: too windy.
luggi9: kick it!
luggi9: stretch, man
luggi9: opening sky
luggi9: after the storm
luggi9: skyline
luggi9: rope
luggi9: under the bridge
luggi9: balmain
luggi9: 5 to 2
luggi9: martin place
luggi9: fountain
luggi9: donkeys
luggi9: scuplture
luggi9: hööö
luggi9: i'll catch it!
luggi9: napping bottomView
luggi9: napping sideView
luggi9: palm tree
luggi9: i just go out with this shirt!