luftwalk: Workout in the woods
luftwalk: Ready, set, go?
luftwalk: Drool away
luftwalk: Swallowed a bee?
luftwalk: Watch me run
luftwalk: Gallop
luftwalk: Watch out
luftwalk: Missing the target
luftwalk: Fear me?!
luftwalk: Lookin' god awful here
luftwalk: Sharp turn
luftwalk: Proud of herself
luftwalk: Cujo reborn
luftwalk: Not so graceful
luftwalk: Grazed by the sun
luftwalk: One and the same
luftwalk: Sample of sharp close focus
luftwalk: Loving it
luftwalk: Gasping for air
luftwalk: Grace
luftwalk: Woodpecker
luftwalk: Heavy crop / branches in front
luftwalk: Peek-a-boo
luftwalk: Hello there
luftwalk: A beetle landed in my mouth!
luftwalk: Runway home
luftwalk: Blitzing over
luftwalk: Eyes on the prize
luftwalk: This is hard...
luftwalk: Woodpecker flexing wings