Ludhye: Once upon a time, in a forgotten circus, a lonely princess...
Ludhye: "You said you want to pull the strings of my fate, and I said I'm sorry it's too late"
Ludhye: You can't hide forever the Jack in the box
Ludhye: The Mad hatter ( for Artenzo productions show Geneve )
Ludhye: My secret garden
Ludhye: long is the road with toxic damaged wings
Ludhye: agnesféeweb
Ludhye: dollification ( self portrait )
Ludhye: try walking in my shoes
Ludhye: Get lost, loose your habits, loose what you were taught, then you will find you real nature
Ludhye: Forget me not
Ludhye: Back to life
Ludhye: TinkerBell 2042