danieljordahl: Not ours
danieljordahl: ...three...
danieljordahl: One...
danieljordahl: ...two...
danieljordahl: ...and four.
danieljordahl: Rock x2
danieljordahl: Modern day candybags
danieljordahl: The topic of tonight
danieljordahl: "...for success"
danieljordahl: Fabi and Niklas
danieljordahl: The game of world domination
danieljordahl: Them jolly
danieljordahl: Beers and stuffs
danieljordahl: The ol' ol'.
danieljordahl: Niklas
danieljordahl: Niklas wife, Fabi and me
danieljordahl: The 'ol Fredrik
danieljordahl: Something hurts
danieljordahl: 'prise!
danieljordahl: Handicapped thrower upper
danieljordahl: Wheelchair bonanza
danieljordahl: The no-tip-zone
danieljordahl: Happy Gilmore
danieljordahl: Girls on film
danieljordahl: A lil' blue steel
danieljordahl: Surprised gameface
danieljordahl: Anders messing about
danieljordahl: Jaw-breaker
danieljordahl: Boo-Hoo