Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund: Electric spinning wheel - Alpaca
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund: Pusher Alignment Tool, PAT , back
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund: Pusher Alignment Tool, PAT , front
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund: Stop teasing and play with ME
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund: My un-electric spinning wheel
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund: antique vertical spinnning wheel
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund: mini spinning wheel, FIRST YARN