Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund:
Tylösand Nov 2008
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund:
Tylösand-2 Oct 2008
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund:
Tylösand-1 Oct 2008
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund:
Sunset in Billdal
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund:
Sunset Billdal, Sweden
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund:
Väddö Oct 2008
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund:
Swedish gold-chantarell mushrooms
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund:
The large garden toad
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund:
The garden toad
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund:
Common Shrew - Näbbmus - Sorex araneus
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund:
Not a mouse !
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund:
Hurray, a hedgehog June 2008
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund:
Sakura, cherry blossom Stockholm, Sweden
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund:
Vitsippor / Wood anemones
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund:
X-mas at Liseberg 2008
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund:
Gotland - Visby May 2008
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund:
Gotland - Digerhuvud May 2008
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund:
Gotland - Baltic Sea May 2008
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund:
Gotland - Bathing little nymphs
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund:
Steam barge July 2008
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund:
Kungsleden 2007
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund:
Morningmist - Kungsleden Sweden 2007
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund:
Little critter
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund:
Jätteröksvamp / Gigant Puffball
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund:
brand new piglets
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund:
Geometra Papilionaria
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund: