Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund: when not knitting....or spinning or working or studying or......
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund: Swedish gold-chantarell mushrooms
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund: Tjejvask / Golden ladies 2007
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund: South African Spider God's Window
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund: Happy despite all the hard work
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund: collecting the precious gold
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund: Test production in Ankaraina
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund: instructions on howto pan Malagy style
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund: Overview of the "other side"
Ekelund Carder by LuddOnline aka Lena Ekelund: transferring the black sand to my pan