Lucyver: on Stansted Airport
Lucyver: The Almonry of Ely Cathedral
Lucyver: Ely, Cambridgeshire, UK
Lucyver: Cadillac DeVille 1970ish
Lucyver: Porsche 911 T Voor Roger;-)
Lucyver: Porsche 911 T Voor Roger;-)
Lucyver: Porsche 911 T
Lucyver: Austin Champ
Lucyver: Morris Oxford
Lucyver: Vauxhall Victor De Luxe 1960 1961
Lucyver: Austin Cambridge
Lucyver: Ford V8 pilot
Lucyver: Ford V8 pilot
Lucyver: Wolseley four fourtyfour 1953 1956
Lucyver: Sun in England
Lucyver: some colour on another grey day
Lucyver: Austin A40 Austin of England 1947 1952
Lucyver: Austin A40 Austin of England 1947 1952
Lucyver: Austin A40 Austin of England 1947 1952
Lucyver: Austin A40 Austin of England 1947 1952
Lucyver: just sittin' on a wall
Lucyver: the countryside
Lucyver: there's no stopping me now ;-)
Lucyver: the other peacocks on the roof
Lucyver: indian blue peacock
Lucyver: indian blue peacock
Lucyver: graveyard St. Peter's church
Lucyver: graveyard
Lucyver: graveyard
Lucyver: surprise surprise