lucycat: The Rogue Doe Approaches...
lucycat: Female White-tailed Deer (doe)
lucycat: The Rogue Doe
lucycat: The Rogue Doe at Dawn
lucycat: The Rogue Doe dropped by
lucycat: The Rogue Doe, having a bite
lucycat: The Rogue Doe takes off
lucycat: The Rogue Doe
lucycat: The Rogue Doe brought the kids...
lucycat: Doe in the Evening Light
lucycat: You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me?
lucycat: White-tailed Fawn
lucycat: White-tailed deer, doe and fawns
lucycat: The Rogue Doe
lucycat: White-tailedDoe P1140139wf
lucycat: White-tailedDeer P1140138wf