babukatorium: Crochet Coral Tree
mc1984: training
woolly fabulous: Purple and lime green
mc1984: cerf und rabbitchoo
mc1984: fresque inachevée mc1984
ColoridoEcletico - por Cristina Vasconcellos: Centro de mesa em formato de fractal -- Doily in fractal format
pandatomic: motif 197
pandatomic: sidewalk1
callie callie jump jump: new jelly wheel
Smoggy Mountain: KOTU 5 Eyes
Smoggy Mountain: NANDA-02 Toyculpture (Toy + Sculpture) toysculpture
pandatomic: african flowers!
pandatomic: african flowers blanket WIP
woolly fabulous: A few French knots.....
woolly fabulous: Mushroom pincushion/sculpture
knitting doll factory: HEART : 心臓
knitting doll factory: Armor of Blood vessel : 血管鎧