Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: Eleanor and Isabel eat dinner and watch TV in the bathtub
Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: Eleanor and Isabel with Honey and Papaw
Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: Girls and the dinosaur
Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: Eleanor and Isabel in Oregon
Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: Soft glow of cartoons
Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: Eleanor, Corban, Adri and Isabel
Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: Sitting with Grandad
Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: At Nana and Grandad's
Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: Sisters jumping
Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: Sisters piggyback
Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: Sisters bathtime
Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: sisters Eleanor and Isabel
Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: IMG_20151011_125941907
Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: Eleanor reads to Isabel
Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: Eleanor and Isabel Christmas tree 2015
Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: Insane tinsel children Eleanor and Isabel