Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: she's the cutest ever!
Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: Almost a princess
Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: tickles with Papa
Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: Now the Star Belly Sneetches had bellies with Stars
Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: Congratulations to Aaron dinner
Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee
Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: happy girl likes to splash!
Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: I couldn't imagine more beautiful hair
Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: Lucy and Baby Rebecca!
Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: Eleanor and Baby Rebecca
Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: Xander and his sister Rebecca
Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: Marije and Rebecca
Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: Eleanor and Xander cuddle Rebecca
Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: Eleanor kisses Rebecca
Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: Training for the Circus
Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: Good old British Fry Up!!
Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: "Relaxing" on the couch
Aaron and Lucy Sherwood: Yummy Sour Cream Enchiladas