lucy_who: Roses
lucy_who: Flowers and Gravestones
lucy_who: Purple flowers
lucy_who: Pink and Yellow 2
lucy_who: Pink and Yellow 1
lucy_who: Buttercups
lucy_who: Flowers and gravestones
lucy_who: Stones in the shade
lucy_who: Tree blossoming
lucy_who: Pink on White
lucy_who: Pink and Blue
lucy_who: Fallen flowers
lucy_who: Flowers
lucy_who: High Window
lucy_who: Pink flowers
lucy_who: flowers
lucy_who: flowers
lucy_who: Pink flowers
lucy_who: Ivy
lucy_who: Buttercups
lucy_who: Flowers on a grave
lucy_who: White flowers
lucy_who: White flowers
lucy_who: Kissing cousins
lucy_who: Bushes
lucy_who: flowers
lucy_who: Irises
lucy_who: White flowers
lucy_who: Buttercups
lucy_who: Garden of rest