Lucy-Loves?: Fantastic Four - 8/52 - G
Lucy-Loves?: Best Friends
Lucy-Loves?: H is for... Holding Hands
Lucy-Loves?: Beautiful
Lucy-Loves?: Sweet Girls
Lucy-Loves?: Pedro (Explored)
Lucy-Loves?: Pedro (Explored)
Lucy-Loves?: Linden
Lucy-Loves?: Linden
Lucy-Loves?: Blythes!!
Lucy-Loves?: Goldie
Lucy-Loves?: Bambicrony Beauty
Lucy-Loves?: Bambicrony Beauty
Lucy-Loves?: Bambicrony Beauty
Lucy-Loves?: Little Middie
Lucy-Loves?: Peppers
Lucy-Loves?: Freckles
Lucy-Loves?: Blonde Kenner
Lucy-Loves?: Posh Kenner
Lucy-Loves?: Surprised
Lucy-Loves?: Pretty Kenner
Lucy-Loves?: The girl with a flower in her hair..
Lucy-Loves?: Roger?