Clickkodak: Winter field
fotomarion...: white swirl
Jarek S. "Jerry": Kingfisher
photosauraus rex: The Majestic Liftoff of a Great Gray Owl
NicoleW0000: Barred Owl hunting the fields
Sakura Blanche: Grand Port De Montréal ☼Explore☼
Edd Allen: Haunt
agebi89: facades with lantern
mstoecklin: Rub al-Khali
craig goettsch: Dark-eyed Junco II
dubus regis: Rayures classiques
bodro: King Vulture landing in the rain
marinachi: frost
hotte54: Waldohreule..
Edd Allen: Happened Upon
gaetdi: CHOUETTE LAPONE Great Gray Owl Strix nebulosa
fotomarion...: big window
Виктор Демидов: Black sea in Blue(Explored)
anaistrepanier: Souris sylvestre (Peromyscus maniculatus) eastern deer mouse
gaetdi: Portrait_ Nyctale de Tengmalm Boreal Owl - Aegolius funereus
RaymondMC: Bobcat
NicoleW0000: Barred Owl