barb howe: night storm, gainesville
barb howe: bicycle
barb howe: Shawna's house with flowers
barb howe: It's not real.
barb howe: pinball 1
barb howe: pinball 2
barb howe: green machine
barb howe: Hawthorne trail
barb howe: Hawthorne trail
barb howe: Hawthorne trail
barb howe: bowl of shitakes
barb howe: corner of Main Street and 2nd Ave
barb howe: stools
barb howe: Tench building art studio
barb howe: palms and oaks
barb howe: Sky with Seagle
barb howe: sunflower
barb howe: drinks
barb howe: Hippodrome State Theatre
barb howe: garden stuff
barb howe: christmas in june
barb howe: pat talking
barb howe: afternoon
barb howe: urban sunset3
barb howe: urban sunset4
barb howe: urban sunset1
barb howe: Katie and her mom
barb howe: Robbie playing chess with me
barb howe: Zeke sleeping on couch
barb howe: parrots