barb howe: IMG_1566
barb howe: Portrait of a worker
barb howe: Angel of Death
barb howe: John Philips Sousa's grave
barb howe: seagull
barb howe: red boat #2
barb howe: Sun worshipper
barb howe: grapes
barb howe: Autumn Capitol
barb howe: oooh, purdy!
barb howe: Pineapple growing in DC
barb howe: Retail value: $0.00
barb howe: sadie in the park
barb howe: Self-evident truths
barb howe: Official Memory Bank
barb howe: Obligatory Capitol Photo
barb howe: storm's acoming
barb howe: Lunch!
barb howe: new arrivals shelf
barb howe: pontificator
barb howe: Red sun sky: Florida wildfires
barb howe: flipflops
barb howe: February 26th: Transitory grace
barb howe: Frustration (aka February 26th desaturated)
barb howe: mex sunflower dooced
barb howe: what I pulled out of the garden this morning
barb howe: Sadie and her stick game
barb howe: Marvin's hands
barb howe: camoflauge (aka chair, fallen)