barb howe: Life? <eyeroll>
barb howe: bowl of cherries on the windowsill
barb howe: cherries up close
barb howe: little fishes
barb howe: "sunflower-bordered roads always seem to me the roads to freedom"
barb howe: Birth of a sunflower
barb howe: diced.
barb howe: My sister's homemade cranberry sauce is the best!
barb howe: Thanksgiving table
barb howe: Cakes by Jenny
barb howe: more cakes
barb howe: bowl of peppers
barb howe: breakfast
barb howe: elegant pumpkins, orange forms
barb howe: pumpkins4
barb howe: pumpkins3
barb howe: pumpkins2
barb howe: pumpkins1
barb howe: the community garden
barb howe: boy with lemons
barb howe: girl selling oranges
barb howe: vendedores
barb howe: The lemon seller
barb howe: little red peppers
barb howe: man in onion stall
barb howe: kid with lemons
barb howe: queso maduro
barb howe: queso secando con sal
barb howe: quarto de queso