barb howe: the bookseller
barb howe: avatar
barb howe: sexy feet
barb howe: campesino bw
barb howe: Don Mario
barb howe: metro Santiago
barb howe: entrada del metro
barb howe: caballo black&white
barb howe: Told ya she was cute!
barb howe: Pleasant Street church
barb howe: old car
barb howe: pirate beads, tampa
barb howe: bicycle
barb howe: ontology. ontologia.
barb howe: la mano
barb howe: construction
barb howe: goodbye community plaza?
barb howe: brake
barb howe: Yashica
barb howe: Yashica circa 1966
barb howe: 1966 Yashica
barb howe: botas
barb howe: botas.
barb howe: Real. Live. Nude. Girl.
barb howe: black and white self-portrait
barb howe: Time on my hands
barb howe: Rev. Wright's other house