luckytomato: Achilles the 2nd
luckytomato: Achilles the 2nd
luckytomato: Achilles the 2nd
luckytomato: Achilles the 2nd
luckytomato: Achilles the 2nd
luckytomato: Achilles the 2nd
luckytomato: Achilles the 2nd
luckytomato: 20141025_163500
luckytomato: Who's a pretty girl? I am! #Kali #eclectus #parrot #ekkie #birds #birdsofinstagram #voseclectus #parrotsofinstagram #redhead #livingdino #dinosaur
luckytomato: Why oh why does mom keep dressing me in girly clothes? This snow leopard print does nothing for my manliness. #Ajax #Frenchies #frogdog #batpig #instafrenchie #instadogs #Frenchielove #buhi #frenchiesofinstagram #batears #bouledoguefrancais #bullies #bul
luckytomato: Mom's #Frenchie kids as #puppies, past, present, and future. Clockwise from top left, #Achilles (1999) #Nox (2001) #Ajax (2003) #Calypso (2013) #frenchbulldog #dogsofinstagram
luckytomato: Playing with my friend. Mom's really attached to my baby sis already #puppytags #puppies #puppiesofinstagram #Frenchies #frogdog #batpig #instafrenchie #instadogs #Frenchielove #buhi #frenchiesofinstagram #batears #bouledoguefrancais #bullies #bulliesofi
luckytomato: Calypso's version of #upsidedownTuesday #puppiesofinstagram #puppies #Frenchiepuppy #Frenchies #frogdog #batpig #instafrenchie #instadogs #Frenchielove #buhi #frenchiesofinstagram #batears #bouledoguefrancais #bullies #bulliesofinstagram #dogsofinstagram
luckytomato: Back in front of my favorite spot in the house, patiently waiting for my sis #Ajax #Frenchies #frogdog #batpig #instafrenchie #instadogs #Frenchielove #buhi #frenchiesofinstagram #batears #bouledoguefrancais #bullies #bulliesofinstagram #dogsofinstagram
luckytomato: @watpanuwat drew this awesome picture of Ajax and Kali, thanks so much! Go follow him! #Ajax #Frenchies #frogdog #batpig #instafrenchie #instadogs #Frenchielove #buhi #frenchiesofinstagram #batears #bouledoguefrancais #bullies #bulliesofinstagram #dogsof
luckytomato: You are kind of scary big Mr #Snowman! #Ajax #Frenchies #frogdog #batpig #instafrenchie #instadogs #Frenchielove #buhi #frenchiesofinstagram #batears #bouledoguefrancais #bullies #bulliesofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #frenchbully #senior #seniorFrenchie #
luckytomato: It's hard work helping #santa! #elf #Ajax #Frenchies #frogdog #batpig #instafrenchie #instadogs #Frenchielove #buhi #frenchiesofinstagram #batears #bouledoguefrancais #bullies #bulliesofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #frenchbully #senior #seniorFrenchie #cra
luckytomato: New sis, be prepared to see a lot of these characters when you come! I'll teach you how to look away from mom's phone every time she tries to take a picture of us! #Ajax #Frenchies #frogdog #batpig #instafrenchie #instadogs #Frenchielove #buhi #frenchieso
luckytomato: This is how interested I am in your picture taking mom. What's up with your fascination with #angrybirds? Grow up! #Ajax #Frenchies #frogdog #batpig #instafrenchie #instadogs #Frenchielove #buhi #frenchiesofinstagram #batears #bouledoguefrancais #bullies
luckytomato: My baby #albino #westernhognose male! His name is #Simon
luckytomato: Where's breakfast? #eclectus #parrot #ekkie #birds #birdsofinstagram #voseclectus #parrotsofinstagram #redhead #livingdino #dinosaur
luckytomato: Mom and I are waiting for dad to finish putting blackout blinds around Kali's cage so that we can go for a car ride to test out my #doggles #Frenchies #frogdog #batpig #instafrenchie #instadogs #Frenchielove #yoda #frenchiesofinstagram #batears #bouledog
luckytomato: Lazy Sunday, mom's watching #warehouse13 on her laptop #Frenchies #frogdog #batpig #instafrenchie #instadogs #Frenchielove #yoda #frenchiesofinstagram #batears #bouledoguefrancais #bullies #bulliesofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #frenchbully #senior #senior
luckytomato: I get to try these outdoors soon! #Frenchies #frogdog #batpig #instafrenchie #instadogs #Frenchielove #yoda #frenchiesofinstagram #batears #bouledoguefrancais #bullies #bulliesofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #frenchbully #senior #seniorFrenchie #crazysittin
luckytomato: The #aliens are here! #littlegreenmen #Frenchies #frogdog #batpig #instafrenchie #instadogs #Frenchielove #yoda #frenchiesofinstagram #batears #bouledoguefrancais #bullies #bulliesofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #frenchbully #senior #seniorFrenchie #crazysi