carolyn_in_oregon: scrape the sky and float away
carolyn_in_oregon: just when you give up, there it is
carolyn_in_oregon: summer's final curtain call
carolyn_in_oregon: jammed between the mountains and the sea, Vancouver
carolyn_in_oregon: lions gate looms
carolyn_in_oregon: from alaska to my belly
carolyn_in_oregon: tigers in a boat
carolyn_in_oregon: sunday morning coffee
carolyn_in_oregon: below deck wine drinking
carolyn_in_oregon: endless ferries
carolyn_in_oregon: moonrise from a sailboat
carolyn_in_oregon: the whole world's gone purple
carolyn_in_oregon: big fat luna
carolyn_in_oregon: hypnotized by the pacific
carolyn_in_oregon: the winnebago of the sea
carolyn_in_oregon: goodbye day
carolyn_in_oregon: afternoon entertainment
carolyn_in_oregon: the great fade
carolyn_in_oregon: coming in for a water landing
carolyn_in_oregon: putting the sails to sleep
carolyn_in_oregon: nautical exercises
carolyn_in_oregon: below deck view
carolyn_in_oregon: dead guy at sea
carolyn_in_oregon: sparkle-ometer takes off
carolyn_in_oregon: english bay exit
carolyn_in_oregon: mountains in other countries
carolyn_in_oregon: city by the sea
carolyn_in_oregon: city sailing madness