lucky olive: New baby hospital chic
lucky olive: Naptime
lucky olive: Little bit smiley
lucky olive: Snarfle
lucky olive: Snoozling in style
lucky olive: Zzzzzz...
lucky olive: Giant sweater baby
lucky olive: Can't take a non-blurry pic of this kid yet
lucky olive: I'll give you five seconds to change me out of this sweater, Mom
lucky olive: Pthbt.
lucky olive: Seriously, just get her talking about middle class tax relief
lucky olive: Dude, WHAT?
lucky olive: Tiny mullet
lucky olive: Erf! Mfffrf!
lucky olive: Footlet again
lucky olive: Little foot
lucky olive: Hello toes
lucky olive: holiday0801
lucky olive: holiday0802
lucky olive: holiday0803
lucky olive: holiday0804
lucky olive: holiday0805
lucky olive: holiday0806
lucky olive: holiday0807