luckyno3: WEL
luckyno3: Happy WEL
luckyno3: WEL on the new carpet
luckyno3: WEL and Ginkgo Trees
luckyno3: WEL in Autumn
luckyno3: WEL in the DOG RUN
luckyno3: Itchy...
luckyno3: WEL on the bench
luckyno3: sleeping WEL
luckyno3: WEL and his new friend playing fight
luckyno3: Just after saying goodbye to KOGI
luckyno3: WEL : today's walk
luckyno3: Wel after Dinner
luckyno3: WEL shaking hands before eating dinner
luckyno3: WEL likes this new kitchen mat
luckyno3: WEL is a Prize Winner in a Pet Photo Contest !
luckyno3: Seasons Greetings
luckyno3: WEL in Morning Walk
luckyno3: Close-up
luckyno3: Tired of Playing in the Room
luckyno3: WEL sleeping in the Sun
luckyno3: WEL in the snow
luckyno3: WEL playing with a girl in the snow