luckylucy1r: P1060002
luckylucy1r: Marigold!!!!!
luckylucy1r: Organic Pepe Tomatoes
luckylucy1r: P1060006
luckylucy1r: P1060007
luckylucy1r: The new raised double-stacked redo of the lettuce planter.
luckylucy1r: P1060010
luckylucy1r: Accidentally drilled below the 5cm mark and had to fix a tiny hole with silicon glue.
luckylucy1r: P1060012
luckylucy1r: P1060013
luckylucy1r: The other burnt broccoli.
luckylucy1r: Burnt broccoli.
luckylucy1r: Thinned out the poppies a little.
luckylucy1r: First poppy bloom. Planted April 17th.
luckylucy1r: Freed the raspberries plants from overgrown weeds.
luckylucy1r: Strawberry moved to raspberry border.
luckylucy1r: To battle the issue of the flies...
luckylucy1r: cut an artichoke leaf back so I can see the plants under it.
luckylucy1r: Cleaned up the clover and plantain patch.
luckylucy1r: They never look like much at first.
luckylucy1r: The other butternut squash (out of 2).
luckylucy1r: transplanted a baby butternut squash
luckylucy1r: testing the fattiness
luckylucy1r: These strawberries are legit.
luckylucy1r: marigold planted from seed April 30th blooming
luckylucy1r: fava beans
luckylucy1r: Four-leafed clovers
luckylucy1r: Yellow Snack Pepper
luckylucy1r: Baby Yellow Snack Peppers
luckylucy1r: Baby Blueberries