Luckykatt: gorilla in the bamboo
Luckykatt: looking for the empire state building
Luckykatt: ape 2010
Luckykatt: luminous ken
Luckykatt: king ken is looking for luv
Luckykatt: a devil ducky in the hand is worth two in the bush
Luckykatt: king ken
Luckykatt: agent orange
Luckykatt: dr. zaius and bodyguard
Luckykatt: doughnut time
Luckykatt: stand and deliver
Luckykatt: can you spare some change?
Luckykatt: blue sky ken
Luckykatt: fit for a king
Luckykatt: guerilla radio
Luckykatt: grape is my favorite
Luckykatt: pretty women out walking with gorillas down my street
Luckykatt: go banana's
Luckykatt: grape ape
Luckykatt: king ken
Luckykatt: escAPE from Alcatraz