luckyjackson::: GRAB YOUR MASK AND CAPE 1
luckyjackson::: Back in the studio after months of being away!
luckyjackson::: Portrait of a pair of boots that both my girls wore until the soles fell off. That is one pair of well loved boots.
luckyjackson::: New hero painting in progress featuring my beautiful Claire.
luckyjackson::: Almost done
luckyjackson::: The lighter side of dark
luckyjackson::: Vader Love
luckyjackson::: Claire in mask and cape.
luckyjackson::: Let's be heroes. New work in progress. Pastel, acrylic, pencil crayon on wood panel.
luckyjackson::: GRAB YOUR MASK AND CAPE 5
luckyjackson::: new work in progress
luckyjackson::: new work in progress
luckyjackson::: new work in progress
luckyjackson::: new series
luckyjackson::: Don't mess