Lucky Girl Kris: typical Moscow metro stop
Lucky Girl Kris: DSC_0257 Christ the Savior detail
Lucky Girl Kris: DSC_0261 Christ the Savior detail3
Lucky Girl Kris: DSC_0263 Christ the Savior detail2
Lucky Girl Kris: DSC_0266 Monument to Peter the Great
Lucky Girl Kris: DSC_0272 view of the Kremlin
Lucky Girl Kris: DSC_0280 Cathedral Christ the Savior
Lucky Girl Kris: DSC_0201 feeding ducks
Lucky Girl Kris: Reflection, Novodevichy Convent
Lucky Girl Kris: Novodevichy Convent, Moscow
Lucky Girl Kris: DSC_0302 Moscow University
Lucky Girl Kris: Russian Matryoshka dolls
Lucky Girl Kris: DSC_0309 Red Square and Kremlin
Lucky Girl Kris: DSC_0310 Red Square
Lucky Girl Kris: DSC_0312 Red Square
Lucky Girl Kris: DSC_0313 Red Square
Lucky Girl Kris: DSC_0315 Red Square Resurrection Gate
Lucky Girl Kris: DSC_0316 Red Square State Historical museum
Lucky Girl Kris: DSC_0317 Kremlin wall
Lucky Girl Kris: DSC_0319 inside GUM
Lucky Girl Kris: DSC_0322 exterior GUM
Lucky Girl Kris: Kris at St. Basil's Cathedral
Lucky Girl Kris: DSC_0333 St. Basil's domes
Lucky Girl Kris: DSC_0335 Red Square clock tower
Lucky Girl Kris: DSC_0345 Cathedral of the Assumption
Lucky Girl Kris: DSC_0346 Cathedral of the Annunciation
Lucky Girl Kris: DSC_0349 Cathedral of the Annunciation, golden domes
Lucky Girl Kris: DSC_0351 Church of the Deposition of the Robe
Lucky Girl Kris: DSC_0356 Canon that never fired
Lucky Girl Kris: DSC_0357 garded state houses