LuckyDuckDreams: text fabrics
LuckyDuckDreams: Random pile of scraps cutting up & sorting into bow tie sets, strings, squares & hst. #bowtiesarecool
LuckyDuckDreams: This is my new friend Winky! He wields a mean scissors and tweezers! I think he will make a nice traveling companion to sit and sews. P.S. His other color cousins, are on sale at #officedepot for $2.21. Oh and his head is a pencil sharpener! #iloveoff
LuckyDuckDreams: I also want you to meet Hedgie (sharpener) and the Lucky Duck Brigade (erasers)! #officedepot #iloveofficesupplies
LuckyDuckDreams: Kalli-cat hanging out with me while I cut up scraps and sew bowtie leader/ enders
LuckyDuckDreams: My cutie-pie!