lky525: IMG_8622
lky525: Mongolian BBQ
lky525: IMG_8614
lky525: The restaurant
lky525: The restaurant
lky525: The restaurant
lky525: Mike goes thru the line
lky525: Sandy, Missy and Ben supervising the cooks
lky525: Sandy, Missy and Ben
lky525: Ben with his chicken
lky525: IMG_8613
lky525: cooking
lky525: The hot top
lky525: The grill top
lky525: IMG_8601
lky525: The hot top
lky525: Cooking
lky525: IMG_8598
lky525: Missy and Randy
lky525: Ben with his rice
lky525: my first plate
lky525: My second plate
lky525: IMG_8616
lky525: Deep fried oreo's