lky525: 1.Part of the finale
lky525: 2.Michael Sarver started the show
lky525: 3.Allison was striking in red
lky525: 4.Another of Allison
lky525: 5.Lil Rounds was very good
lky525: 6.The hero of the night--Adam
lky525: Adam and Megan
lky525: Adam and Megan again
lky525: Adam
lky525: Adam Lambert
lky525: Adam Lambert
lky525: Adam again.
lky525: Adam
lky525: Adam--the crowd pleaser
lky525: Adam does his thing
lky525: The cause for screaming
lky525: Kris on the guitar
lky525: Kris at the piano
lky525: Kris Allen--the winner
lky525: All 10 together
lky525: Matt and Danny again
lky525: Matt and Danny on piano
lky525: All 10 together
lky525: Poor picture
lky525: the entire group