Lucky Naka: Jeik Dion (Holy Right and Pop Gun) from Quebec.
Lucky Naka: Our Hostess Susan Lee.
Lucky Naka: the cool kids at ape. always one step ahead of the old timers.
Lucky Naka: Steve Leialoha the White Wizard of Ink
Lucky Naka: Booth 721 Lucky Nakazawa X KnifeXlife
Lucky Naka: Do It Yourself
Lucky Naka: I wish i could have brought them
Lucky Naka: Valiant
Lucky Naka: but everything fits better in the volvo
Lucky Naka: Michael Jonathan and Nan at APE
Lucky Naka: Devil Ken Tanaka
Lucky Naka: Lisa McDonnel
Lucky Naka: Devil Skinner Man
Lucky Naka: Devil Skinner Man in repose
Lucky Naka: DIY jig saw injury with DIY blood and DIY bandage
Lucky Naka: backdrop
Lucky Naka: sewing epiphany